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Transcript Request

Transcripts of bankruptcy hearings can now be requested through CM/ECF by attorneys. For attorneys ordering a transcript through CM/ECF, you will first need to log on with your PACER login. Then you can enter a text entry in the case for which you need the transcript using the CM/ECF Event: Request for Transcript. Since this is a text entry event, a pdf document is not prepared and uploaded to the system. Instead, you will enter the hearing date, matter heard (document no.), and contact information for the person requesting the transcript.

Transcripts can still be ordered via regular mail by pro se parties. The request should specify the hearing date, matter heard (document no.), and contact information for the person requesting the transcript, including phone and email. Please contact the court if you have questions or need transcript cost estimates based on the information set forth below.

For both CM/ECF and mail-in requests, you must specify if you are requesting the transcript be returned to you in 7, 14 or 30 days. The cost per page is $5.85 per page for a 7-day request; $5.10 per page for a 14-day request; and $4.40 per page for a 30-day request. These rates are current as of 10/1/2024 and are subject to change.

The court will contact you by phone or email with the estimated cost of the transcript once the request is received. Full payment payable to Rapid Transcript is due to the Clerk’s Office before the deadline of 7, 14 or 30 days starts to run.

Parties may request full or partial transcripts of bankruptcy hearings.

Redaction requirements - each party’s attorney [or a pro se party] is required to review the transcript to ensure that personal identifiers are limited to the following information, pursuant to Fed. R. Bankr. P. 9037:

  • the last four digits of a social security number and taxpayer-identification number;
  • the year of the individual’s birth;
  • the minor child’s initials; and
  • the last four digits of the financial-account number, unless the financial-account number is used to identify property allegedly subject to forfeiture in a forfeiture proceeding.
  • Within 7 days from the date the official transcript is filed on the docket, a party must file a notice with the Clerk’s Office of his/her intent to request redaction with a copy of the notice served upon the transcriber. Upon filing, the Clerk will then restrict access to the transcript in CM/ECF.
  • Within 21 days from the date the transcript is filed, the party must submit to the transcriber a list of places in the transcript where the personal data to be redacted appears.
  • The deadline for filing the redacted version of the transcript is 31 days from the filing date of the transcript.
  • If the redaction is not requested, the transcript in its current form will be made available to the public via remote access and at the public terminal in the Clerk’s Office for viewing and printing at the end of the 90 day restricted period.

For a 341 meeting transcript, please contact the United States Trustee's Office.