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Offender/Defendant Resources

Resource Description
Workforce Development Assistance in preparing for a job, searching for a job, interviewing skills and resources for probation and pretrial clients.
Benefits of Supervision Understanding how supervision allows officers to monitor the actions and behavior of defendants and offenders released to the community.
Substance Abuse Treatment Substance abuse treatment is a tool that helps U.S. probation and pretrial services officers supervise, or monitor, defendants and offenders in the community.
Mental Health Treatment Treatment maximizes public safety and the person’s potential for living and functioning effectively in the community.
Job Club A four week program that offers networking opportunities, soft skills training, assessment of job interests, resume building, interview skills and resources for community assistance with job search.
Home Confinement Courts may use home confinement as a sanction for persons who violate the conditions of their supervision.
Re-entry Court Provides alternative programming for individuals who are on federal supervision and have significant substance abuse treatment needs.
Pretrial Orientation Program Provides information regarding sentencing, possible voluntary surrender, and about the Bureau of Prisons. The program is designed to educate families and reduce the level of anxiety and fear associated with incarceration.
Community Service In the federal courts, community service is a special condition of probation or supervised release and requires an offender to work for a civic or nonprofit organization.