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Chief Judge Cynthia A. Norton

Chambers Contacts

Name Title Phone
Cynthia A. Norton Chief Bankruptcy Judge 816-512-1895
Beth Graham Courtroom Deputy 816-512-1852
Dee Arrington Career Law Clerk 816-512-1896
Arielle Jacobs Law Clerk 816-512-1898

Chambers Location

Address Room Number Courtroom
Charles Evans Whittaker U.S. Courthouse
400 E. 9th Street
Kansas City, MO 64106
District Court: 816-512-5000
Bankruptcy Court: 816-512-1800
6462 6A

Judge Tabs

Audio-Visual Equipment in the Courtroom: 

Prior to trial, we urge all attorneys to schedule an appointment to test equipment. Visit our Courtroom Technology & Equipment page to view details regarding available technologies. For any additional requests or to view the equipment prior to a court hearing, please contact the courtroom deputy.